
You’ll find authentic flavor in the perfect sweet balance of every juicy and crunchy variety of blueberries we have to offer. Delight in every bite.



You’ll find authentic flavor in the perfect sweet balance of every juicy and crunchy variety of blueberries we have to offer. Delight in every bite.

jumbo receta
Sekoya PopTM, AtlasBlueTM, Sophia, Madeira and more.

Our blueberry varieties will entice every one of your senses with their beautiful hues of blue, smooth texture, perfect firmness and crunchiness full of authentic sweet flavors that satisfy tastes everywhere.

Our pack size:

4.4 6 pinta 18
125 170 311 510


Blueberries table


* Cooler certification
* Berries Paradise certification
* Cooler certification
* Berries Paradise certification

Did you know?

Blueberries are rich in vitamin K that plays an important role in heart health. Vitamin K is also important for healthy bones and blood coagulation.

Did you know?

The antioxidants in blueberries help prevent blood cholesterol oxidation and even may keep cholesterol from building up to begin with.

Did you know?

Blueberries may provide people with diabetes better control over their blood glucose levels.

Did you know?

Regularly adding blueberries to your diet may help reduce high blood pressure in people with metabolic syndrome and protect cardiovascular health.

Did you know?

Blueberries contain a significant amount of anthocyanin pigments. Anthocyanins are behind the rich purple color of blueberry juice and have proven promising to reduce the signs of aging, the risk for cancer, and DNA damage.


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