
Discover irresistible flavor in every druplet
of our fresh and juicy blackberries.



Discover irresistible flavor in every druplet of our fresh and juicy blackberries.

Sultana Conventional
Sultana Conventional Sultana Conventional

Our blackberries are sure to delight your senses with their big size, and bright black color as intense as the exquisite and balanced flavor in every druplet.

Our pack size:

4.4 6 12
125 170 340


blackberries table


* Cooler certification
* Berries Paradise certification
* Cooler certification
* Berries Paradise certification

Did you know?

Blackberries are helpful in controlling diabetes, especially when eaten fresh.

Did you know?

Blackberries are a great source of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which impart rich colors to various red, purple and blue foods.

Did you know?

Blackberries may help treat obesity by improving insulin response and helping the body burn fat more effectively.

Did you know?

Blackberries reduce inflammation because they contain vitamin K.

Did you know?

Blackberries may enhance your cognitive skills and improve your mood, according to trials done on children and adults who eat blackberries. Scientists believe that anthocyanins help brain cells communicate with each other.


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