
Our Jumbo Blueberries are as big as your cravings. They’re bound to give you an immensely juicy experience.

*Our delectable Jumbo Blueberries are not genetically modified (GMO).



Our Jumbo Blueberries are as big as your cravings. They’re bound to give you an immensely juicy experience.

*Our delectable Jumbo Blueberries are not genetically modified (GMO).

jumbo receta
Sekoya PopTM, AtlasBlueTM, Sophia, Madeira and more.

Big flavor comes in big unmatched sizes, like our JumboBlues larger that +19mm. They grow into the most amazing shades of blue with a crunchy bite that delights everybody. Our Sophia variety is Berries Paradise® exclusive and speaks to the care we take to provide you big-sized, delicious flavor.
*Our delectable Jumbo Blueberries are not genetically modified (GMO).

Our pack size:

4.4 6 9.8 18
125 170 278 510


Availability table


* Cooler certification
* Berries Paradise certification
* Cooler certification
* Berries Paradise certification

Did you know?

Just one cup of blueberries a week can help to reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, an important risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Did you know?

Blueberries can be a good choice to start off infants who are ready for solid foods.

Did you know?

Blueberries contain proanthocyanidins that help prevent urinary tract infections.

Did you know?

Blueberries may help delay the effects of vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Did you know?

Blueberries are one of the best sources of anthocyanin, a phytonutrient that gives blueberries their dark blue color. Early research suggests that anthocyanins may be associated with anti-inflammatory properties.


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